Thursday, December 16, 2010

[Thirty-eight female joint health interview (a)] Xi-sheng Weng, age 30, to pay attention to osteoporosis

 Moderator: Sohu's friends, Hello everybody! Welcome to the Sohu blog quality health interviews, and today we're going to chat with the problem of osteoporosis in women. Today we have invited guests of Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Professor Xi-sheng Weng, orthopedics, Weng Hello Professor! with our friends to say hello it.
Weng Xi-sheng: Sohu netizens, Hello everybody!
Host: Professor Yung, a study said women osteoporosis is 6-10 times more men Why is there such a big difference then?
Xi-sheng Weng: Almost all the research now can get the same view that after a certain age men and women to their probability of occurrence of osteoporosis is significantly different, especially in female patients their chances of suffering from osteoporosis is much greater than men. Why create such a situation? We can see from the two major aspects to consider, first, the physiological differences between men and women, especially lesbians to 50 years of age With menopause, due to lower estrogen levels, the body will be a series of metabolic changes, resulting in an imbalance of bone metabolism, leading to osteoporosis. There is also the one hand, men and women in daily life from the assumed work situation is different, the past, we talk about osteoporosis occur? that is young and exercise if we pay attention, pay attention to the many outdoor activities, like saving money in the bank, as if the young man kept the money in the bank, more to old age can remove the money from the bank. men and women work in the community take a different function, in particular, may NCKU gay woman more than the workload of many outdoor activities are men, such as the outdoor sport or physical activity more, this also contributed to the men and women aged osteoporosis caused by the difference after one of the reasons.
Moderator: that male and female physiology from the original structure, including some of the daily social different activities.
Xi-sheng Weng: Some people say that men and women of course not the same eating habits can also cause osteoporosis.
Moderator: Does that mean that men will be less osteoporosis?
Xi-sheng Weng: more than Lesbian less, but may also occur.
Moderator: Having said that osteoporosis, we just said why do lesbians so much happens osteoporosis, osteoporosis is how it happened, why it happened Osteoporosis? is a person from the young to the old an inevitable process up?
Weng learning students: You can say that the person is both a natural aging of the performance, but the old man is not the performance is not our intervention, people From the young, in general, from 30 years of age, various organs of the body to begin the emergence of a degradation of bone is no exception in this respect have told us that men and women after a certain age, bone recession began to occur, F Comrade happen faster, reports, studies say, it is recommended after the age of 30 lesbians, we should began to focus on the prevention of osteoporosis. Why do you say? If at the 40-year-old, 50-year-old has come too late to prevent, was too late, just say Well I do not like to save money in the bank as a young man more prevention, in order to reduce osteoporosis does not occur in future, so the young man of 30 years of age, from diet, from social activities, from exercise, and so a series of activities, to pay attention to the occurrence of osteoporosis intervention.
Moderator: Is not It can be understood, before the age of 30, we can not worry about osteoporosis of it, 30 years of age to began to pay attention to prevent?
Weng Xi-sheng: 30 basically does not occur before the age of osteoporosis, we are talking here of primary osteoporosis is osteoporosis, the so-called primary osteoporosis is no special cause of a phenomenon of the body's natural decline. In addition also spoke about another kind of osteoporosis, secondary osteoporosis, such as the level he has, such as thyroid hyperfunction, such patients may even be 20 years old to osteoporosis, which is very serious disease because the body caused by osteoporosis. There are some hormones such as long-term use can also lead to osteoporosis. there are alcoholics, a large number of references to long-term alcohol Although the young may also lead to osteoporosis.
Moderator: as you just mentioned, these types of people with particular attention to the problem of osteoporosis?
Xi-sheng Weng: The.
Moderator: just said differences between men and women, there is a particularly large difference, women may go through the process of breeding, some people say that women give birth to a child if the body's calcium, then the loss of half of the prone osteoporosis and other bone problems, such saying there is no reason?
Xi-sheng Weng: You can say that there is no scientific reason, many women have fertility since ancient times, the last person's life which may have been born many children, if a child half of the body's calcium to flow, two children calcium, there is no, there is no scientific reason. but pregnant women to supplement calcium and rich in nutrients, because the children also need to fetal development, the equivalent of two people who need this nutrition, we need to increase the beneficial calcium or vitamin supplement, protein intake, it should be, not to say that calcium would be lost after pregnancy, half the time, this does not make sense.
Moderator: Pregnant women have no problem of osteoporosis?
Xi-sheng Weng: Development of pregnant women unless the time of birth Some diseases, such as ligaments which took place some problems, of course, there are some female colleagues, no more fat, less active, almost can not do some activities, this would lead to a cost of osteoporosis, when this bone doctors are available loose, when he produced after the restoration activities, he of osteoporosis, including muscle strength can be restored enhanced.
Moderator: You just mentioned some of osteoporosis is reversible, is not if we pay attention to the result of osteoporosis is irreversible, how do we deal with osteoporosis, if a?
Weng Xi-sheng: I have just said is a large class of osteoporosis, such as astronauts after long period of missing heaven state , his space flight for some time why someone carried down, holding, because calcium deficiency, but normal life across the land, work, and appropriate nutritional supplements for some time, he can slowly slowly recover. but pathological , and secondary osteoporosis, and women with primary osteoporosis is not reversible, of course, we can intervene in this process.
Moderator: I know that osteoporosis must also determine a standard, We will normally approach taken to determine whether osteoporosis?
Weng learning students: from two aspects, first of all from the subjective terms, osteoporosis, some of the symptoms, the elderly, in general, we speak of osteoporosis, where that are of primary osteoporosis, is that the elderly, generally over 50 years old lesbian, gay 60-year-old general, the occurrence of osteoporosis in men and women bean oil a number of people regardless of performance, such as the back pain, because the most common in our spine, is the flat bone, the incidence of osteoporosis will be common, of course, other organizations can occur, but the most common is the spine, and hip, and some elderly people get help when it can lead to lumbar fracture, which is caused by severe osteoporosis.
Moderator: You just mentioned the 30-year-old began to pay attention to osteoporosis, and such four-year-old woman will feel that they do?
Xi-sheng Weng: true 30 or 40 years of age, we are saying to pay attention, began to pay attention to osteoporosis, and is not to say he now has osteoporosis, because this time the patient may not have symptoms, because he has not bone loose. I just said the truth, that from age 30 onwards, as banks like, from the 30-year-old practice of strong bones began to take a little, how to practice the strong point, through proper diet, through a reasonable diet through the normal complement of drugs, vitamins, through a large number of activities, especially outdoor activities under the sun should be, so you can do your bones a little more robust, in other words if the young man's money in the bank's multi- point to the old time we can spend a little more, the stronger bones when young, to old age, osteoporosis occurs when the process is relatively slow.
Moderator: We can then talk in more detail, talking about how to prevent osteoporosis before, just now you mentioned that osteoporosis may be accidentally broken, what serious consequences will result in you?
Xi Weng Health: Osteoporosis is the most serious fractures occur, the elderly, osteoporosis Sometimes things get a minor mention of a package may fracture, the biggest problem is the fracture, the biggest problem among the elderly, such as fractures after not active, to bed, bed came out a series of complications, many fractures of the elderly appears to be a small matter in itself, but caused by the fracture is usually a series of complications to life.
Moderator: Women with age, in addition to what are the common osteoporotic bone disease ?
Xi-sheng Weng: more than women, men are no exception, mainly in primary osteoporosis, in addition to osteoarthritis, or called hyperostosis, hyperostosis of the various joints of growth will occur as the joint proliferation and transformation, and in the spine, we can also occur back cervical spondylosis, spinal stenosis and so on.
Moderator: Speaking of genetic diseases, the question will be taken into account, osteoporosis, there is no genetic relationship with? Xi-sheng Weng
: There is no proof of a relationship, but more white osteoporosis, especially in cold weather parts. there statistics in Africa, although the Africans in their diet, medicines are scarce, but the African people have relatively much less osteoporosis. may be regional differences, often in outdoor activities such as Africans, the temperature is relatively high, compared his life difficult, on the other hand may have to be lot of hard work, his own The prevention of osteoporosis may also be good. northern people are cars, life is good, but also less than the sun drying, even though they make up a lot of medicine, but the rate of osteoporosis is still pretty high.
chair by: Professor Yung also mentioned earlier after menopause are particularly vulnerable to osteoporosis, menstrual changes are not have anything to do with osteoporosis?
Weng Xi-sheng: very clear, because we can do lesbians to occur after menopause sleep easy at night sweating, we called night sweats, hot flashes or afternoon, aching muscles, lack of leg cramps, etc., or a series of performance, which is called menopausal syndrome, the doctor usually find some gynecological treatment, including replacement of the appropriate of estrogen, the symptoms can be eased, but relief the future, if we do not further anti-osteoporosis treatment, followed by osteoporosis disease process will accelerate, experienced menopause, your doctor may suggest estrogen therapy, including the use of some drugs, including diet, lifestyle changes.
Moderator: Many women now have the case of diet, weight loss and female What is the relationship between osteoporosis do?
Xi-sheng Weng: This question should be two aspects to consider, first, if that you do not lose weight, if the fat man, look like the result, because the lesbian fat, lose weight, the activities have little, the body is very negative, especially is very detrimental to bone and joint, so weight loss, as long as a reasonable weight loss, but also to ensure adequate diet, there are sufficient energy intake, this case does not affect osteoporosis. On the contrary, some people such as weight loss fitness, outdoor sports, can be reconstructed bones, get modified, so it can strengthen the structure of his bones, so if the fitness, if weight loss can lead to osteoporosis, then I think that this understanding is wrong. Of course a diet nothing to eat, nutritional supplement that is of course not, that can lead to changes in bone.
Moderator: Speaking of diet, nutrition, calcium supplements we first think of the problem, that calcium may be followed with osteoporosis prevention of osteoporosis is so up, for which calcium is now possible errors?
Weng learning students: it comes to osteoporosis, people can not help talking about calcium, and calcium in our current patient encounter there are many errors, some people say calcium, calcium often said Weng Dafu which is good, scientifically proven fact, do not bother to eat is the same kind of effect of calcium may be absorbed only after eating only one-third of We emphasize that a reasonable calcium supplement, rather than saying the abuse of calcium, this is the first. Second, the treatment of osteoporosis or to prevent osteoporosis is not simply rely on calcium supplements, calcium is one of the basic element of the We would also like to add vitamin D, because vitamin D can promote intestinal absorption of calcium that we also contributed to the conversion of calcium the body, so simply eating calcium treatment of osteoporosis that is very, very wrong.
addition, to better effective osteoporosis, in addition to calcium, in addition to vitamin D, talk with everyone here, from the lifetime, why the president of the bones in our body there are cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts, osteoblasts is long bones, broken bone cells are destroyed, and why there will be two cases? person any organ in a state of equilibrium, we often give lectures, when the time in scientific experiments have a very vivid metaphor, the osteoblasts, such as we have to repair a road, we have a road-machine, is the excavator of osteoclasts, osteoblasts is filling, in general, excavators and mapping machine is balanced, so the road not see the pit. But as the growth of osteoblasts is reduced, will be increased osteoclast, such as estrogen can cause reduced after the decreased activity of osteoblasts, thereby stimulating the increase of osteoclasts, so we factor into the bone to reduce the factors that enhance osteoclast, leading to more porous bone, so the market there are a number of drugs can be used to treat, which is fundamental to the treatment of osteoporosis.
Moderator: You have just to mention there are many kinds of calcium, such as organic calcium and inorganic calcium, which means that your calcium is possible, there is no good organic and inorganic calcium calcium better.
Xi-sheng Weng: This problem does not exist, it just tastes different.
Moderator: from food, such as what to drink soup calcium has no effect of these?
Xi-sheng Weng: Yes, of course, normal calcium the body needs about 1 day thousand milligrams or so, but we were eating, such as fish, prawns, shrimp do not eat, do not eat bones, so the body inside the daily intake of food which is about 200 mg of calcium, so probably the lack of normal daily 800 mg, so this is the human body every day 500 to 800 mg of calcium supplement reason lies. So, some calcium are thrown away, we recommend that if possible you can eat shrimp, boil the soup bones strong point, the calcium in bones mass flow to the soup.
Moderator: Some friends asked, how do I know how much calcium I missed it, do not check?
treatment of osteoporosis it? What are the errors? should be how to prevent bone osteoporosis?
Weng learning students: if you can, according to an X-chip, missing from the inside does not know about the lack of calcium, also can check the concentration of calcium ions, and the third, the most prepared, the current WHO recommendation, we can check bone density , although clinical use of bone mineral density in our case, that problem, but so far the only accurate diagnosis of bone density, usually the patient's bone mineral density of a 25-year-old with the young age of 25 than the first standard deviation is osteoporosis.
Moderator: Is there any advice to our users, such as what age should be more than friends a long time to go into the poor a better arrangement?
Weng Xi-sheng: I have talked , women over the age of 30, I suggest that we must be conscious to outdoor sports, we Chinese people are afraid of the sun, one to make a sun umbrella, foreigners do not exist for this phenomenon, I propose that we should do more outdoor activities, also emphasized balanced diet, do not love a partial eclipse, the other just said to eat fish, bones, these things are possible, to put this shrimp can take it, you can increase your calcium, and more to increase exercise. of course 34-year-old primary osteoporosis does not occur, but this time to shape many of his bones, through diet, through exercise, through outdoor activities and so on. But in the 45 years of age, some people can be a little earlier Some people may come later, suggest that you can check bone density, and every 10 years to check, because there are reports in the literature, each additional 10 years of age, the incidence of osteoporosis will increase significantly, he will have a cone body or hip fracture rate in osteoporosis will increase nearly 2%.
Moderator: Just to add on the exercise, more exercise, what exercise does more for women, such as for knee and hip?
Weng Xi-sheng: We all know that exercise is very, very important, we emphasize here is reasonable movement, irrational movements of hazardous sports, exercise more of the body the more harmful, here to remind women friends, both women, men are , our orthopedic doctor point of view, some sports are harmful, such as climbing stairs, climbing exercise, although good for the heart, but we are not any good joints. because when normal walking, two lower limb joints a bear the weight of each half, but when climbing stairs or slowly a person's weight load of the joint 4 to 6 times, you can often talk about the case load of climbing stairs on your joints go bad faster that, like steam, like Che Gulu, taxi wheels and can run for about two years, but private cars are no problem to run ten years.
from bone health is concerned, we stress that any exercise will not increase your joints on load, such as swimming, it is good exercise, because the process of swimming in the movement of joints, the body will not increase too great a burden.
another bike, although a sport, but the joint itself does not increase too much cropping.
also slow running, walking, this will not bring harm to the joints are, of course, some football, basketball, volleyball can exercise, but this exercise is to hedge in nature, to avoid movement injury, young people can, but the older I think this movement is not very appropriate, because the coordination of older muscles, joint stability will be affected, so very easy process in motion injury accidents to not meet the purpose of the exercise.
Moderator: I have heard there is a saying, that to prevent osteoporosis, to increase bone density, bone will need to stress, there is no justification for this statement? < br> Xi-sheng Weng: Of course.
Moderator: that they can have a little bit of weight-bearing exercise.
Xi-sheng Weng: we walk on earth is a kind of stress, but the case was completed without the stress of bone to happen soon loss, but the stress is not a great line, we often live on the ground, in any event have to produce stress, of course, some people load on the prevention of osteoporosis in terms of the march is not necessary.
Moderator: for example to do dumbbell , steel collar sport?
Weng Xi Student: That is entirely possible, as long as the body within the limits.
Moderator: Due to the time the interview ends here today, Professor Xie Xieweng.
Xi-sheng Weng: Thank you!

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